Hello, I am Surian, and give all my blessings to you all, giving forces to a very long season that starts now.
We are in the ultimate preparations to come and help you.
That means, our ships are getting closer to your planet, as we are holding our enthusiasm for the time to come.
We will help you on this Transition times and we also will be part of History, as we participate of this unique moment in the Universe.
We are been told elsewhere, and you are the main stars of the quarrels.
congratulations to you all. You have made to Ascension.
We are doing everything we can to enlarge the number of souls on this process.
Ascension does not mean necessarily going to the skies.
Many will go underground and many others will go under seas! There are several cities well developed and they are being prepared to welcome you.
The structures of these cities are being adapted for the massive number of new citizens to come, and you might be among them.
Dear brothers and sisters, we are making an enoormous work focusing on Africa.
African citizens are now being conscious off their divine existence, and the level of light is growing fast in the African continent.
But fear was spread strongly there, because many souls who decided to live this existence there are well evoluted, and the dark forces tried to make them live in fear, in an attempt to hold they evolution back.
But this strategy worked for the good, as these evoluted souls contacted many others less evoluted, and they were able to show, in many levels, the Light, the purest Love from the Christic Force, the Light wich we all belong.
We ask today to strongly pray and send Love Rays to all the people of Africa.
This will help our work and also will ensure many soul to be elevated with you to other dimensions.
The most souls can be ascended, the better for all, as we are One, and Oness will be our final goal.
Do not be afraid or alarmed by the News that may come from Africa in the next weeks, it's a worthless try of the dark forces to hold us back.
We will not be influenced by these forces, because our weapon is the Purest Love, and only that. Fear is not love, thus be only in Love.
Remember, if you stay in Love and send those Rays of Love, you will be saving souls, you will be doing a nobel act, helping the enlightment of the whole planet.
We embrace you
and we are very excited to see you soon
Our most sincere Love,
WebSite: http://datahaenglish.blogspot.com/